I'd use the keyboard and he'd use the mouse. Cute, right? Game designer, Dungeon Master, and Gamer. Contact: Shureria. I've been playing video games since I was old enough to hold a controller. Ragnarok Online was the first ever game that got me hooked on MMO's and since then have played numerous free-to-play and pay-to-play games such as RF Online , World of Warcraft , and Dota to name a few.
Bit of an MMO hopper myself, I like to try all the new games, but few ever hold my interest. When a game does hold my interest though, I go all out. I was one of the top players on LaTale.
Second Life has you covered. With build-in local voice chat and VR support for the Oculus Rift, Second Life is ready to submerge you in whatever world you want to jump into! Take your friends across the world to many different simulated locations, fight zombies, host events, and more. Make your story your own! Lindens may be bought or sold for real-life currency, and used to purchase in game objects like clothing, vehicles, and even buildings or land.
Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming. Find us on. Official Site. More Articles. We also want to make levelling up more fun and not just killing monsters repeatedly, so we will be making significant changes to monsters to make battling more interesting.
All trading will be blocked in the Reboot world. Currently, in MapleStory, you can buy all the equipment you need through regular trading or the auction house. Although collecting money through trading is an important factor in MMORPGs, we think it is more important to fight against monsters and collect your own equipment and items. By acquiring equipment through your own gameplay instead of through a shop, we think it will make it a more fun RPG.
To reduce the burden of Cash in the Reboot world, a new Cash Shop will be utilized. Because this server is designed to give you the items and money you need as you hunt and level up, there is not as much need of various item strengthening systems and thus, related Cash items will not be sold at all or will be available through mesos.
Cosmetic items which do not affect game play will be sold for Cash like usual. These changes will reduce the burden of Cash items and allow you to enjoy the game whether or not you spend money on Cash. We will continue to develop Reboot world based on these policies and listen to the opinions of users to make more changes. Please look forward to it.