How much rep per boss

Which is pretty fast to farm but it'll take more turn-ins for the same amount of rep. Otherwise, thanks for the great guide! It helped me a bunch. Keep up the good work! Edit: removed link of pic showing rep gains cause it was removed anyways Checked both Skeletal Warlord and Flesh Golem.

Comment by too2fun There are 3 rep quests in Darnassus Rewards around 40 to 50 rep. Correction: Fras Siabi gives the proper rep. It is bugged and I was suggested to submit a bug report from a GM who says the logs show that I get rep however I have tested it countless times since and before opening a ticket.

Comment by Pasu I did some math to determine if it was worthwhile to do the Cauldron quests before you reach honored. TLDR: It's probably only worth completing these quests before honored if you can farm the lvl mobs at Gahrron's Withering.

Otherwise, wait to complete these until you're honored from killing non-elite Scourge, then complete them to get rep into honored.

This assumes you'll stop farming the non-elites after they stop yielding rep once you hit honored and farm dungeons instead. I'm going to assume you only want to kill non-elite mobs until you hit honored, then you'll prefer to run dungeons to get rep. If you plan to farm Scourgestones off the non-elites after honored, then you should probably ignore this and complete the quests asap. The cauldrons quest chain yields Argent Dawn rep. If you do these quests before your reach honored, that's less rep you can get from killing non-elite mobs.

For easy numbers, I'll assume you only get rep from other sources e. The melee can usually be saved for last. A large portion of the instance can be skipped if you pull the 2 guards at the entrance followed by the two bog lords on the right and follow around the right hand side.

However, you do not get rep for mobs you do not kill. Excessive skipping, as emphasized below, is also highly likely to cause wipes. The Oracles and Sirens are very dangerous, with AoE silence and AoE fear they can block your healer for ten seconds or make you pull extra groups.

Typically you want them crowd controlled at first and dealt with after the other mobs are dead. Be aware though if you as a mage polymorph the siren and she breaks early she will be after you.

As soon as she gets into range she will try to silence you, making you unable to crowd control, frost nova her etc. If somebody tries to assist you she will cast an AoE fear, so ensure that person can break it, especially if there are other mobs they may be feared into. A Mind Control pull is an effective way to take out a caster early. If you Mind Control the Sorcerer as the pull, then the other mobs will turn to kill the Sorcerer.

This will trap the remaining mobs in the pull and allow time for your tanks and other crowd controlling characters to react. This also works in Heroic Mode. The single most important thing to be aware of for the early parts of this instance is the necessity for thorough pulling.

Group leaders in this instance have a tendency to try and rush past various groups of mobs, and early wipes tend to be either due to stray runners triggering other groups of mobs, or members of ranged classes accidentally backing into patrols when trying to get range. Once the group's path through the instance has been decided on, it is vital that the group thoroughly clears all mobs within radius of the determined path, if the group wishes to avoid wipes.

The group's leader should not insist on trying to go around mobs excessively in the name of speed or convenience, since the amount of downtime caused by a wipe will generally be considerably more than the time necessary to ensure a safe path through the instance. Heroic — Immune to Mind Control. Can be frozen or seduced. Can be seduced. Heroic — Can be mind controlled , frozen , or seduced. Heroic — Can be mind controlled , frozen , or seduced..

Can be frozen , or seduced. Note that the Arcane Quickener disappears after 30 minutes in your bags, so it is advised to only purchase it when you have gathered the other reagents.

As hinted at in various places already in this guide, there is an optimal progression to Exalted , and while following it can be a bit cumbersome, it can save you a lot of time. The first step is to acquire your Argent Dawn Commission trinket and then simply grind mobs in the Eastern and Western Plaguelands until you reach Honored reputation.

Depending on how active the zones are on your realm and therefore how much competition you encounter , it may be best to farm mobs at the Cauldron locations in the Western Plaguelands listed above, because this will enable you to start collecting Cauldron reagents for turning in later on.

Doing this quest and the ones leading up to it will provide you with a decent amount of experience, which may be helpful, but it will also mean that you cannot do the quests once you reach Revered, so it may be slightly more inefficient from a reputation point of view. For additional reputation towards Revered, should it be needed, you should continue to farm the two dungeons.

Once you complete the Plagued Hatchlings quest, Plagued Hatchling s in Scholomance have a low chance to drop Healthy Dragon Scale , which can then be handed into Betina Bigglezink for 50 reputation. While these items do not stack, you can have multiple of them in your bags.

Ideally, you should save these for after reaching Revered , as they give reputation all the way to Exalted. At this point, you should turn in all your Scourgestones, the Cauldron materials, and Healthy Dragon Scale s you have collected.

The Argent Dawn Valor Token s you receive should be used for additional reputation, but make sure to save up a total of Continue to farm the Undead side of Stratholme for Scourgestones, journey to Scholomance for Healthy Dragon Scale s, and continue to turn Scourgestones in until you reach Exalted.

There are various shoulder enchants available. The ones that become available at Revered each offer 5 of a given elemental resistance, as listed below. Each costs 9 gold to purchase before discounts , and you must complete the Mantles of the Dawn quest, requiring 10 Argent Dawn Valor Token s to be able to purchase them. At Exalted , you can buy the Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn enchant, which grants 5 of all the resistances listed above. This costs 36 gold before discounts , and requires the completion of the Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn quest for which you need 25 Argent Dawn Valor Token s.

Sign In Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. Sign in anonymously. Sign in with Facebook. Oh lawd dude I saw your sig and I nearly died. I'll have to save my rep grinding for until then. There's a lot of crap I'm looking forward to in that update, when the hell is it going to get here. User Info: ModKnight. Don't kill trash. Get an Argent Dawn commission 2. Run Stratholme Service Entrance - Kill 6 bosses total 3 Ziggurat Bosses Magistrate Barthilas The Abomination Boss always forget name Baron Rivendare -- You really should only have to deal with the abomination mobs unless you get an unlucky pull from a gargoyle.

Repeat I was averaging 10 minutes per run so you can earn up to Argent Dawn reputation per hour. User Info: blizaki. More topics from this board Anyone deleted all their characters? And quit this sad game?

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