Example: sqft x 0. Hi Christina! It is dependent on the flooring that you are interested to determine how many boxes that you will need. You will take your length times with roughly sf and divide by the amount of square feet found in the box. When measuring rooms should we adjust up for inches? Hi DJ, this will depend on how many planks are in each box. You will divide your square footage by the sq.
Hi Mickevious, thanks for the question. The amount of boxes you will need depends on the sqft that is included in each box. Hi Deanna, thanks for reaching out. The number of boxes will depend on which floor you are selecting and how much square footage is in each box. This will vary floor to floor and brand to brand. You will need a total of Hey Pat, thank you for reaching out. Per those dimensions, 7 boxes would cover your flooring needs! Just keep in mind every brand is different square footage per box.
How many boxes would I need. The box says it will do Hi Deirdre, thanks for reaching out. You will need 77 sq. The number of boxes will depend on what flooring you decide to purchase. Please let us know if you have any other questions! Hi Dee, thank you for reaching out. The number of boxes you will need for your project will depend on how many square feet are in each box of flooring.
You can use our box calculator on the product page by entering the total square footage of your project. Hi Isabella, you would need 6 boxes for your project.
Room is 12 foot 4 inches X 9 foot 4 inches Flooring is How many boxes do I need. Hi Diane! The amount of boxes will differ in sq. You will need at least sqft for your project!
On our website, it will automatically calculate the number of boxes based on sqft! What are the various room dimensions that 40 square feet of hardwood will cover? There is an almost infinite number of dimension combinations that would multiply to Not Helpful 3 Helpful 4. The dimensions can be any two numbers that multiply together to make Divide any number the divisor into The quotient and the divisor will be one pair of dimensions that will work.
Examples: 85 and 10, or 50 and Not Helpful 2 Helpful 5. Not Helpful 3 Helpful 7. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube.
Related wikiHows How to. How to. More References 5. Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Expert Interview. About This Article. Co-authored by:. Co-authors: Updated: January 28, Categories: Geometry.
Article Summary X To visualize square feet, keep in mind that a small bedroom is about square feet. Deutsch: Sich Quadratmeter bildlich vorstellen. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read , times.
Reader Success Stories Harley B. Nov 3, Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Harley B. You Might Also Like How to. Featured Articles How to. Trending Articles How to. New Pages How to. Watch Articles How to. For example, say you know that your room is 8 feet wide by 12 feet long. How can you determine if your furniture will fit comfortably in the space?
The square footage will tell you how much surface area you have to work with. Tip: Knowing the measurements of your furniture can help you plan the best arrangement for your unique space.
A footprint is the amount of space an item will take up on the ground—just like your footprint, a piece of furniture will cover a certain area of your room. To calculate the square footage of any area, all you need to do is multiply the length and the width of the area how tall x how wide.
The unit of measure will impact how you calculate square footage because, well, square feet is the most common measurement used in the United States when it comes to room sizes and DIY home supplies.
To calculate feet squared or sq. Many of those squares stacked up against one another equal a whole wall, floor, sheet of fabric, wall paper, etc.
If you need to translate the square footage area into square inches more common for smaller items , follow the basic equation, but multiply the length and width measurements by 12 because there are 12 inches in one foot. Is it a border area?
Length: ft in. Width: ft in. Length 2: ft in. Width 2: ft in. Border width: ft in. Round decimal places : 1 2 3 4 5 Calculate. Use the square footage calculator to work out an area of square feet, square meters or square yards for flooring, landscaping, carpets, tiling or construction projects. Like this? On this page: How to calculate square feet How to find the square footage of a rectangle How to find the square footage of a triangle How to find the square footage of a circle How many square feet is a 20x20 room?
How many square feet is a 12x12 room?