Based on our expert review. Based on 2 reviews. Based on 9 reviews. Add your rating. Parents say 2 Kids say 9. Teen, 17 years old Written by alit1 July 4, This review Helped me decide 1.
Had useful details 1. Read my mind. Report this review. Teen, 15 years old Written by Tommy Platt July 12, Great Game! New characters, mechanics, and moves. There a few outfits on women that are tight-fitting and revealing.
There is minor swearing, but nothing to lose sleep over. Violence can be intense with certain moves crushing bones and hyperextending ligaments. Helped me decide. There's only a couple of things I didn't like about T6 One is the movement, coming off of TT2 and T5, it really shows how limited you were with being able to backdash and evade moves.
Two is the small stages, since it was way too easy to wall carry your opponents to a wall and get ridiclous damage off a singe combo.
Three is the story, SC was Endings also sucked. Four was the terrible netcode. T6 is fun, but these do hold it back a significantly. User Info: CosmicGojira. I don't hate it far from it. But it does have some issues. Some of the combos you can do in TTT2 and TR are either absent or difficult to perform due to strict timing. Some of the attacks for my characters anyway are either useless or aren't good. Scenario Campaign's gameplay 4.
Rage 5. Bound in some cases 6. Most of characters are treated like jokes or are made irrelevant. Online netcode 8. Every newcomer except Lars. User Info: SnakeFang2. What made it inferior to Tekken 5? And could you expand on bound and rage? User Info: ParaMorrigan. Bad camera angles mostly. Graphics are nice, although I was expecting better in regards to the arenas.
I'll play it, but I wouldn't buy it again if I had the choice. Sep 13, 51, 3, RyanPaulShaffer Diamond Member. Jul 13, 3, 1 0. Kabob Lifer. Sep 5, 15, 0 Feb 13, 3, 0 0. Yes I am. Same thing goes for games like CoD. Sure it's a blast online but at least there's a good single player game included.
After all it too is just a fighting game albeit one with weapons instead of fists and feet. Dari Lifer. Oct 25, 17, 38 Originally posted by: gar Yes I am. NoSoup4You Golden Member. Feb 12, 1, 6 Tekken 6 is great if you're into the online play. Which I am, this game rules. I played it for a bit over the weekend. I am not liking it really.
It just feels so slow and so dated, and I am not a fan of the dial-a-combo combo system at all anymore. I don't think I will really be getting into this game like I was hoping.