What is Chief Bromden afraid of? What mental illness does Cheswick have? Why did Chief Bromden kill McMurphy? Did McMurphy lobotomized? What mental illness does Billy bibbit have? Is McMurphy selfish?
How does McMurphy manipulate the patients? Why is McMurphy a hero? Is McMurphy a psychopath? Why does McMurphy attack Nurse Ratched? He asks Chief why all the patients are treating him suspiciously.
Chief responds that it's because McMurphy always appears to be winning things. McMurphy responds wearily, "Winning, for Christsakes. Hoo boy, winning. The group is led to the showers for delousing. The members taunt the African-American aides by making wisecracks and breaking wind. All is jovial until the aide Washington begins to harass Rub-a-Dub George, who is obsessed with cleanliness but never uses soap.
As George becomes more upset at Washington's claims that he is infested with bugs, McMurphy steps in to defend George. Calling Washington several negative sexual and racial epithets, McMurphy shoves Washington away from George. Washington, still angry with McMurphy for bloodying his nose in the basketball game, strikes him. Noting that McMurphy's voice reveals a "helpless, cornered despair," Chief relates the details of the ensuing fight. Nurse Ratched entertains the idea of letting the men watch a baseball game on TV and takes it to a vote.
The next day, when McMurphy goes over to the TV to watch baseball, she turns the TV off so that he has to watch a blank screen. At the staff meeting, Nurse Ratched is silent when everybody discusses whether to send McMurphy up to the Disturbed Ward. However, she decides that if they do that, it will be giving him too much power. The afternoon meetings become a complaint free-for-all, but Nurse Ratched endures it, patiently biding her time.
Nurse Ratched is patient when Sefelt has an epileptic seizure. Chief Bromden receives shock treatment too. As he does, he thinks about his parents, but he manages to regain lucidity afterward, and for the first time knows that he has beaten Nurse Ratched.
McMurphy receives three more treatments that week, even though Chief Bromden tries to talk McMurphy into complying with Nurse Ratched to get out of it. Nurse Ratched realizes that McMurphy is quickly becoming a legend while he is out of the ward, so she plans to bring him back to the ward.
The men believe that the best thing for McMurphy would be an escape from the ward on Saturday night. Chief Bromden notes that Billy Bibbit , although he looks young, is actually over thirty. At midnight, Mr. Candy arrives with Sandy, the whore who had skipped the fishing trip. While Candy gives Mr. Turkle wine, McMurphy attempts to pick the lock to the drug room. Harding gets pills for Sefelt and imitates a religious ceremony, sprinkling them over Sefelt and Sandy. Turkle unlocks the seclusion room for Billy and Candy.
Harding has a plan to tie up Turkle and make it look like McMurphy had tied him up and taken his keys. This plan, according to Harding, would keep the other men out of trouble, keep Turkle his job, and get McMurphy off the ward. McMurphy asks why Harding does not leave, and he responds that he is not ready. He claims that he is guilty and has indulged in certain practices society considers shameful.
The black boys find him when they arrive at six-thirty that morning. Chief Bromden realizes that what happened that night was inevitable, even if Mr. Turkle had gotten McMurphy and the two girls off the ward as planned. The black boys herd all the inmates into the day room, Chronics and Acutes alike.
Everyone is still in pajamas. Turkle resigns and leaves with Sandy. Harding tells McMurphy to run away with them, but McMurphy refuses. The boys take roll in reverse alphabetical order to throw people off. Nurse Ratched does a room check to find him and reaches the Seclusion Room.
She finds Billy in bed with Candy. A Cheap! Nurse Ratched asks Billy what his mother will think about this incident. She claims that Mrs. Bibbit may even become sick from the news. Billy begins stuttering again and shakes, pleading with Nurse Ratched not to tell his mother.