Apart from the occasional "We are heroes, to save the world and fight for justice!! The pacing is obviously what trips some people up. I liked XIII up until about half way through when you discovered what your focus was. The time spent on pulse was fun, especially with combat but thats when the story started going down the crapper, up until then i was really invested in the characters story, once their dialogue basically devolved into cheesy one liners about hope and making your own destiny while the characters moved towards the very location they wanted to avoid i got pretty sick of it.
Plot and character development. They simply just dont make those games like they used to, and they've refused to update their mechanics to anything modern. The game actually made me angry. I don't mind linearity in my JRPGs at all. I'd rather they closed off all paths and told me a brilliant story with some awesome combat. I played maybe hours before I simply got bored of it, and up to that point the combat was: "Hit auto-battle, switch the team's jobs to something more appropriate.
Then hit auto-battle, and switch the team's job's to something more appropriate. FF Combat for me is scrolling through a menu and picking the best spell or ability for the situation at hand, not letting an auto-battle button pick it for me then just showing me a flashy animation. If you tried to be more selective, you were given a very poor ranking after every battle. On top of that, I couldn't stand some of the characters, mainly Hope. I don't even care how that storyline wraps up, I just wanted to slap the kid across the face.
I think that's a problem since I've dealt with some pretty cheesy characters in the other FF games and in this one, I just wanted him to shut up or die. I wish I had the patience to finish the game. The world intrigued me, the story seemed alright, and some of the characters were interesting. I just grew completely disinterested, especially when I'd load it up and be treated to McEmo for 45 minutes.
Main character is literally cloud with tits and pink hair 2. The dialogue is awful 3. The story in general is a disaster That's not even including how the game cockblocks you for literally hours with nonsensical handholding. Or the fact it's more linear than a fucking COD game. Linearity or open world. I don't know if I would have liked it in the end. For me the lack of free will was crippling. Everything was A to B and the areas had zero exploration. There was nothing to do besides advance the storyline.
I am, by no means, new to FF games. I know that they have to funnel you at times to force events, or prevent you from obtaining high levels or equipment. FF13 as I saw it was a straight A to B game with no free will. I know that time travel comes into play eventually, which admittedly, could grant plenty of options, but every area I entered was small and linear. There are other places I can go to run through hallways all day long. I know I played IX, but I don't remember it.
X was fun except for blitzball. Obtained a copy of X-2 years ago, but had a distraction and never got back to it. The second major problem with XIII not so much it's sequels , is that the pacing is terrible.
I'm sorry to say, I don't care how good of a battle system you have, it can't be the only thing your game has going for it. Especially in a 50 hour RPG. User Info: PunkMcThrust. FFXIII has godawful characters I mean some of the most hatable you've ever seen, aside from Sazh , a nearly incomprehensible story that clearly went through several rewrites, and takes well over 10 hours before they even give you all of the combat mechanics, as well as being a literal straight line game with no 'world' or even towns.
XIII-2 added towns, stuff to do, and doesn't have Lightning PMS-ing out and punching people for no reason, but it lacks Sazh, is filled to the brim with DLC that should have been in the game, and only has 2 party members, with the other 2 slots being for collectible monsters.
The story involves time travel and is thus insane and the main villain has what may be the single worst character design I have ever seen in a JRPG. Lightning Returns is a unique action RPG that could really do with being less ploddingly slow in combat, with the speed kicked up several notches it would be awesome.
The game mechanics are what really shine here. I am not happy to be playing as Lightning again though, but here she's much less of the worst thing ever like she was in the first game. Once again lacks Sazh, should have been Sazh Returns.
It should be noted that all 3 games have exceptional visuals, and in the case of the first two games exceptional music. LR has crappy forgettable music though. More topics from this board Tech Support 1 Answer Ps3 trouble power wont turn on? General 2 Answers What does the error code B mean?
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Last edited by Moon Punisher ; 10 Oct, pm. This is not a technical thread, people. Those are separate issues. Originally posted by SukaPae :. Originally posted by AJ Rich :. Best FF here for me all-time. Really love XIII. Idk about you guys, but I actually like get Hope y'know. Sure he can be "whiny" but I think from his angle, it's incredibly realistic that most, if not just about every teenager at 14 would be doing the exact same thing.
Except, Hope develops and progresses to become really nice really quickly, by all standards. For that, I really like his character very much, and don't really find him "annoying". I'm enjoying the game so freaking much ofc, haha, since this is like a dream come true for me. Sure the quality of the port might not be great, but its definitely not taking away any enjoyment from me.
Happy gaming guys! Broso View Profile View Posts. I think overall this is my least favourite FF. I do not like the linearity of the majority of the game. I do not like the fact that there are quite some nice locations that had potential to be more than just a linear area you run through once. Luckily, they improved largely upon this in XIII XIII hovever feels lacking in many areas.
I do like the more open endgame and the battle system though. Originally posted by SkylXTumn :. Kava View Profile View Posts.