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Related Resources. View Article. Pirate in the Caribbean. If you have something to share that would enrich our knowledge about this object, use the form below. After review, selected comments will appear on this page along with the name you provide. Please note that we generally cannot answer questions about the history, rarity, or value of your personal artifacts.
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See our privacy statement. Skip to main content. Ship Model, Santa Maria. Philips puts the length of Pinta at 17 meters, keel length 13 meters, beam 5 meters, and depth 2 meters.
She probably had three masts, and most likely carried sails like those of Santa Maria , except for the topsail, and perhaps the spritsail. Philips puts her length at 15 meters, keel length 12 meters, beam 5 meters, and depth 2 meters. As you can guess, speed of sailing vessels varies considerably with the speed of the wind. Over several days, ships of Columbus's day would average a little less than 4 knots. These masts were known as the mainmast, the foremast and the mizzenmast. And while this ship had these positive attributes, the main negative attribute about this ship was that its building did not allow Santa Mari to sail near the shallow waters and the coral reefs, thus providing a ship with a handicap.
Caravel ships were designed just to beat the disadvantage of sailing in the shallow waters and coral reefs that ships like Santa Maria encountered and were lightweight and easy to manoeuvre around. Of all the three Christopher Columbus Ships, the Pinta was the fastest reaching a maximum top speed of about 8 knots a day around miles while Santa Maria was the slowest, owing to its larger size. The Pinta on the other hand weighed around 70 tons and measured around 17 meters lengthwise, 13 meters keel lengthwise, five meters beam wise and two meters depth-wise.
Furthermore, four of the crewmen on the Christopher Columbus Ships were criminals who were offered amnesty in lieu of their volunteering to be a part of the voyage by the Spanish Crown. Thus with the help of the Spanish Royalty and Christopher Columbus, the three Christopher Columbus Ships pioneered their way into the oceanic waters, cruised and discovered a whole huge country in the West.
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