If you decide to use password dictionary attack, you will need some basic dictionaries or whats called password list. These hacking dictionaries are already present o Kali Linux. So we can safely use it without download anything. It can also be used for WiFi, but I recommend that you first clean up inappropriate passwords using the same pw-inspector.
So if you are using Kali Linux before you download any password dictionary you may check rockyou password list that comes in every kali Linux image. You can use it to perform a dictionary attack, at least try the one you have before you download a new one.
Kali Linux provides some Password dictionary files as part of its standard installation named rockyou. Not all software contains exploitable vulnerabilities as some would like. But the chain, as you know, breaks at the weakest link. Very often, the weak link is the person.
That is why social engineering is quite popular. Another type of attack, which I would also attribute to the human factor, is an attack on weak passwords. As it became known from recent news , even some computer security professionals, real hackers, sometimes use weak passwords. Password attacks can be divided into two large groups: a hash attack and an attempt to pick up a password for authentication.
We will not dwell on their characteristics in detail. Since password dictionary attack is possible in both groups. So we come to the most important thing — where to get the dictionaries.
Different tasks require different dictionaries:. There should be several such dictionaries. Dear Walid i am new in kali linux i see many use full tutorial and guide kindly share with us some basic terminal command with us will be thankful to you and some basic how to use kali Linux and Terminal commands. I did the cat thing and now it doesn't say anything after it i dont even have a new line to type something in.
Is the wordlists contains words and the aircrack will match all the words that contains in the wordlists or is the another way that aircrack will use to crack the passwoard. I have cracked 4 passwords out of 10 with the rockyou file. What other files do you recommend for password cracking I have tried all the files listed above. For example, for my matched password, the mask could be pattaya?
Statsprocessor is another program that comes with Hashcat. Crunch is a dictionary generator with passwords in which you can define a standard or specified encoding.
Crunch can create a list of words with all sorts of combinations and permutations in accordance with specified criteria. The data that crunch prints can be displayed on the screen, saved to a file, or transferred to another program. John the Ripper supports the output of candidates option --stdout , as well as various rules for generating passwords. John the Ripper has its own syntax, but in general, you can achieve the same result as with the programs already reviewed.
Therefore, if you are more familiar with John the Ripper, you can use it in commands like this:. Go to the official website , download the version for Windows, unzip the downloaded archive. Change to the directory where the executable file aircrack-ng-avx. Try them all - they will have different performance, and some may not start. Aircrack-ng combines well with password generators and can work under Windows. This question basically reveal that I have no knowledge of how the aircrack-ng engine use word list from the dictionary to crack the password, is there hyperlink that explains what goes behind the cracking of password by aircrack-ng using the dictionary word list?
Thanks Raymond. However, there can be one instance where less than the 4 required EAPOL packets are captured and someone is actually trying to connect with an invalid password, you may end up cracking that attempt.
There are a few wordlists mentioned in the FAQ 3. If it's present in the password list, yes. If not, then no. You can use tools like crunch, john the ripper to generate such combinations.
Same as 3.