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We have to talk about it and remove the stigma for the next generation. Look, I may be failing at both motherhood and my career, but at least I am trying to do it. You know what I mean? How was yours? No, no. My water broke and I had to sit in Saturday night traffic to get to the hospital.

Contractions are the craziest, most indescribable pain. I pushed for two hours, then gave in and got the epidural. Once I got the epidural, I was in bed and it was night, there were lights in the sky, and I felt like I was in heaven. My water broke at 6pm and by midnight I knew I was ready to push.

I waited an hour, then it was three pushes and he was out. I think I had prepared for the birth to be so hard that I was in shock about how I felt afterwards.

No one tells you that you will feel like someone ran you over with a bus for about three weeks. I was in so much pain. The breastfeeding was chaos. It was so physical. Do you feel like your relationship to music has changed now that you are a mom? You told a few publications recently that you were at the end of your career. I get a little overextended sometimes. After finishing the last album, so sad so sexy , the artwork, the videos, the touring—I wonder how I did that while I was going through what I did.

I have no idea how I did that. I definitely suffered extreme fatigue afterwards. We go on. We can fucking do it. But then you think you might die, or at least check in to a sleep—. Yeah, for about 20 years! The separation, my mother having brain cancer and dying, and having a baby. Then I had to find a new manager, producer, record label. Write it, mix the record, master it, you know?

I started going a bit crazy not expressing myself for so long. So when I came back, I was so hungry. Also, I was in America. Before I had been in Sweden, and here, power, money, and ambition are such a big part of the world. You really get your market value thrown in your face, and that reminded me of when I was 19 years old, being booed out, so I felt like I was in that same place again.

I was an underdog again, and the odds were against me, so it was kind of inspiring. But to start your career over at 30 as a new mother?

OK, good luck. I signed a three-album deal when I was 20, so that contract was done. I think when I got signed these people had some kind of hope that I would be commercially successful, and then with every piece of work I made they got more and more disappointed.

They wanted you to be Taylor Swift or something? Are you happy with your new professional team now? I am super happy with my management, but the way the music industry is now all about streams—that, to me, is so scary. I feel so inspired to become a complete hermit and more indie than ever. I am going to work with Peter Bjorn again, who I did three albums with, and we are going to set up two mics and a drum machine in my living room.

We are going to go back to me and him basically not giving a fuck. We will not log in to anything. How do you feel about the noise of social media? Then you look at someone like Kurt Vile, who got in with his fan base just early enough and has never had to do any of that shit.

I did that when Dion was one and a half. It was fucking hard for me and for him. She has to do the show.

She has to be the mommy, too, at some point. She has help, but still, she puts on the heels and stands there for 10 hours.

She has to get into perfect shape after having twins. No one else can do that for her. Did you struggle with any body-image stuff after being pregnant? Weirdly, no. I did struggle with my body image being young, because I come from a family of the tall, annoying type of skinny people who eat burgers and pizza and still look anorexic. If the gripping competitions and compelling characters of " Squid Game " kept you playing along, you'll love these three Netflix series that might have missed your radar.

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