When is hug a croatian day

Croatians in Australia. Sign up for free. Inclusion Program Join over organisations already creating a better workplace. Download this Cultural Profile. Too busy to read it right now? Where do we get our statistics? Cultural Atlas eBook Purchase. I often thought what it must be like for a woman on the receiving end of these kissing greetings, especially one who did not want her personal space invaded. But I still struggled, and it was something which came up during my chat with my two female colleagues, Lauren and Dani.

During the conversation, I realised and pointed out that I had never even touched Lauren via handshake, kiss or hug in the three years I had known her. She informed me that I had once put a hand on her shoulder, but that was it. Dani, on the other hand, is someone I would kiss and hug each time we meet. Both are amazing and attractive human beings, and yet, my approach to both was totally different.

I had no idea why. I decided to explore the topic of the etiquette of Croatian greetings, to find out what I was doing wrong and what I should be doing right. And where better to start than a post on my Facebook wall? One of the first responses was from a close female friend Croatian who I never touch I might even have failed to at her wedding :.

There are a lot of wild huggers and kissers out there, my tactic is to wait awkwardly until the other person initiates contact, then look awfully panicked as I see them enter my personal space. The weirdest one is the air kiss - like how far do we have to be apart? Do the cheeks touch or not??? I am so stressed out by all that.

Wooo, there is a lot to deconstruct here. We will come back to the personal space, but let's deal with the kiss first. Air kiss on contact or the cheek kiss.

Some respondents claimed that air kisses were fake, apart from the specific situation where fresh lipstick had been applied in which case they were real.

More people seemed to think that the air kiss was the way to go, and even this should be avoided and downgraded to a handshake in winter, claimed one, for there were too many illnesses going around. I have always been of the impression that a little light cheek contact was called for. Unless you have the great fortune to be able to invade the personal space of an uhljebnica, in which case sloppy cheek kisses are essential.

And make sure you stop your cheek kiss count at two - going for a third would turn you someone who air kisses Serbian style. One of the next respondents was from a business partner just a few years older than me, who said that it should be about hugs, as older ladies love hugs. And I found myself remembering and responding that I have her mentally as a hugger, and we do hug each time we meet. I found myself analysing various female relationships I have and realising that I do have a mental etiquette for Croatian greetings for each, but without any real justification.

And, a little like my contact-free relationship with Lauren, there are others who probably feel as awkward as me. One young business partner, whose company I enjoy immensely, I have a really good relationship with. The only slight moment of doubt is the greeting, and we seemed to have somehow moved into hi-fiving each other as our modus operandi. From my experience if you've never met them a handshake is in order. If you are somewhat familiar perhaps a kiss on either one or two cheeks but you will need to read body language.

The ladies will either want to kiss you or not. Never kiss three times this is strictly reserved for our orthodox neighbours. If you are true friends the side hug or frontal hug can happen but there has to be a reason i. If you ask me, hugging is an American custom, not at all common here. If we are close to someone, we kiss, if not, we shake hands, we are quite formal. Hugging is for kids, weddings, late night triumphant celebrations American Airlines cancelled its nonstop flights from Philadelphia to Dubrovnik for all of , a new route initiated just last year and the first direct flight connecting the United States and Croatia in 28 years; other European and international carriers have suspended flights through June.

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