Keep it on a sticky note, typed in your phone or simply commit it to memory. When learning about a potential candidate, identify if their skills, character and experience are the best fit for leading your organization to growth. We all know that possessing the right skills is not enough to qualify a candidate as the right hire. Your job as a recruiter is to find the candidates who are not only qualified for the job, but who also fit the company culture.
Identify which characteristics or values your successful employees commonly possess, and then create interview questions that help single out candidates with similar attributes. When possible, emphasize the job need rather than the skills. If a candidate has previously performed a similar job, they probably have the skills or the ability to learn them. So instead of listing every skill that candidate should possess, clearly explain the key job expectations. This will help enhance your talent community by including a more diverse group of candidates with varying experience and backgrounds without sacrificing the quality of hire.
If you want to engage passive candidates, you need to figure out how to target effectively for a career move. Try to imagine the career story of your top three ideal candidates. What roles did they fill before? What skills did they possess that made them a good fit? Master and strengthen all of your sources for candidates. This includes boosting the yield and quality of candidates coming in via your job posting efforts. A career in recruiting can be challenging, but if you have what it takes, the rewards are worth it.
If you have the temperament and attributes shared by the best recruiters, contact us to learn about a career with us or one of our clients. About Us. Client Solutions. Career Experience. I'm looking for:.
Sara Ferraioli May 21, Resilience The most important characteristic of a good recruiter is the ability to bounce back from disappointment or failure. Relationship Building Recruiting is a relationship business. Honesty and Integrity Ours is an industry that suffers from a perception problem. Adaptability The skill to adapt, change and be flexible is a key quality possessed by the best recruiters.
Listening Skills The best recruiters listen twice as much as they speak. Communication Skills Successful recruiters know the right way to speak to their constituencies and can adapt to various communication styles.
Time Management Skills Successful recruiters are judicious with their time. Professionally Persistent The most successful recruiters know how to be persistent without crossing the line. Financially Motivated There. In fact, many good recruiters and industry trainers have referred to it as a rollercoaster, and with good reason.
Perhaps resiliency would have been 8 on this list. So, without further adieu, here are seven habits that can help you to become a great recruiter. Is it also absolutely true? Speaking of which.
Most recruiters enjoy talking and being on the phone. However, making recruitment business development calls are among the least enjoyable calls that recruiters make. But with some practice, some discipline, and some recruiter cold calling scripts, you can attain great habits.
I guess why these sayings are so popular. Which deals are about to close? Which candidates are closes to the offer stage? Working on what will produce revenue the quickest is the best way to prioritize your desk. Some recruiters have systems in place to identify which job orders are the closest to being filled. That way, they can allocate their time and resources appropriately on a day-to-day basis.
By always following up without fail, you uncover information that you may not have uncovered otherwise. And during the placement process, every bit of information helps. And a placement fee. And that vacation we were talking about earlier.
But as anybody who has ready the book Good to Great by James C. Collins knows, moving from good to great is the biggest leap anybody can take.
The only way to make sure that you keep getting better is for you to work at getting better. There are all sorts of recruiter training webinars, recruiting blogs , and other training materials available. Getting better is not due to a lack of resources. This all brings us to the end, or the almost-end. That secret is. I know, anticlimactic, right. But one of the only ways to become better and strive toward greatness is to work a desk year in and year out.
So there you go: 21 skills, qualities, and habits, PLUS a not-so-secret ingredient. You are ready to be a great recruiter. Now go conquer the world!
Try it free today! The essential skills, qualities, and habits for being a good recruiter While learning how to be a great recruiter, there are three main areas we must examine: qualities, skills, and habits. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email. Search Our Blog. Follow Us Facebook. When a Candidate Declines a Job Offer. User Reviews Pricing.