Here, we need to pass the IP address or hostname of the Server and a port number. Here, we are using "localhost" because our server is running on same system. Let's see a simple of Java socket programming where client sends a text and server receives and prints it. To execute this program open two command prompts and execute each program at each command prompt as displayed in the below figure.
In this example, client will write first to the server then server will receive and print the text. Then server will write to the client and client will receive and print the text. The step goes on. JavaTpoint offers too many high quality services. Mail us on [email protected] , to get more information about given services. Please mail your requirement at [email protected] Duration: 1 week to 2 week. Next Topic URL class.
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The thread that calls this method waits until a connection is made. Then this method exits, returning a Socket object that can be used to communicate with the client. A server socket is associated with a particular port on a server computer. Skip to main content. Java For Dummies Quick Reference by. A new Socket s is created and, if there is a security manager, the security manager's checkAccept method is called with s.
SecurityException - if a security manager exists and its checkAccept method doesn't allow the operation. SocketTimeoutException - if a timeout was previously set with setSoTimeout and the timeout has been reached.
IllegalBlockingModeException - if this socket has an associated channel, the channel is in non-blocking mode, and there is no connection ready to be accepted See Also: SecurityManager.
String, int implAccept protected final void implAccept Socket s throws IOException Subclasses of ServerSocket use this method to override accept to return their own subclass of socket. On return from implAccept the FooSocket will be connected to a client. Any thread currently blocked in accept will throw a SocketException.
If this socket has an associated channel then the channel is closed as well. A server socket will have a channel if, and only if, the channel itself was created via the ServerSocketChannel. Returns: the server-socket channel associated with this socket, or null if this socket was not created for a channel Since: 1.
Returns: true if the ServerSocket succesfuly bound to an address Since: 1. Returns: true if the socket has been closed Since: 1. With this option set to a non-zero timeout, a call to accept for this ServerSocket will block for only this amount of time. If the timeout expires, a java. SocketTimeoutException is raised, though the ServerSocket is still valid.
The option must be enabled prior to entering the blocking operation to have effect. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. Parameters: timeout - the specified timeout, in milliseconds Throws: SocketException - if there is an error in the underlying protocol, such as a TCP error.
For applications using a well known socket address or port it may not be possible to bind a socket to the required SocketAddress if there is a connection in the timeout state involving the socket address or port. Overrides: toString in class Object Returns: a string representation of this socket.
The factory can be specified only once. When an application creates a new server socket, the socket implementation factory's createSocketImpl method is called to create the actual socket implementation. Passing null to the method is a no-op unless the factory was already set.
If there is a security manager, this method first calls the security manager's checkSetFactory method to ensure the operation is allowed. Parameters: fac - the desired factory. SocketException - if the factory has already been defined. SecurityException - if a security manager exists and its checkSetFactory method doesn't allow the operation.