These include:. A ketones in urine test can be done in the home as well as in a lab. If in a lab, you will be given instructions to provide a "clean catch" sample. The clean catch method generally includes the following steps:. If you do the test at home, follow the instructions that are in your test kit.
Your kit will include a package of strips for testing. You will either be instructed to provide a clean catch sample in a container as described above or to put the test strip directly in the stream of your urine. Talk to your health care provider about specific instructions. You may have to fast not eat or drink for a certain period of time before taking a ketones in urine test.
Ask your health care provider if you need to fast or do any other type of preparation before your test. Your test results may be a specific number or listed as a "small," "moderate," or "large" amount of ketones. Normal results can vary, depending on your on your diet, activity level, and other factors.
Because high ketone levels can be dangerous, be sure to talk to your health care provider about what is normal for you and what your results mean. Learn more about laboratory tests, reference ranges, and understanding results. Ketone test kits are available at most pharmacies without a prescription.
If you are planning to test for ketones at home, ask your health care provider for recommendations on which kit would be best for you. At-home urine tests are easy to perform and can provide accurate results as long as you carefully follow all instructions. Some people use at-home kits to test for ketones if they are on a ketogenic or "keto" diet. A keto diet is type of weight-loss plan that causes a healthy person's body to make ketones.
Be sure to talk to your health care provider before going on a keto diet. The information on this site should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice. Contact a health care provider if you have questions about your health. Ketones in Urine. However, for people with diabetes, an excess of ketones can be life threatening.
If you have diabetes, talk to your doctor about your ketone levels to better understand how to manage them. A lot of people have probably heard about the ketogenic diet. Please keep in mind that this is only safe for people who are not diabetic, and it still needs to be discussed with your doctor. Ketosis is the physiological state that occurs when your body starts to rely on fat-sources for fuel instead of carbohydrates.
Aside from purposefully raising your ketone levels for ketosis, there are a few other instances where elevated ketone levels are known to occur. The following things can result in elevated ketone levels: 4. There are many reasons that ketone levels may be elevated in your urine, so working with a doctor to get a urinalysis and a proper diagnosis is crucial. The best way to measure ketone levels is through a urinalysis. This is the most accurate way to get a reading on your levels at any given moment.
When ketones travel through the bloodstream your kidneys filter out the blood and emit ketones as a waste product in urine.
Because of this, a urinalysis will give you similar results as a blood test, without as much effort. It is important to know that at low concentrations, most ketones are reabsorbed by the kidney and re-circulated throughout the body.
Anyone can use a urinalysis to test for ketones and there are many options for home testing in case of emergencies or other needs. Ketosis is said to help healthy individuals lose weight from fat while retaining muscle mass. Always discuss your plans with your doctor before starting any ketogenic diet regimen to make sure that you stay healthy and safe.
Ketosis: Symptoms, signs, and more ». If you have diabetes, you need to be especially aware of the symptoms that having too many ketones in your body can cause.
These include:. Testing your blood or urine to measure your ketone levels can all be done at home. At-home testing kits are available for both types of tests, although urine testing continues to be more common. Urine tests are available without a prescription at most drugstores, or you can buy them online. To perform a urine test, you urinate into a clean container and dip the test strip into the urine.
Urine testing strips contain special chemicals that change colors when they react with ketones. You can interpret the test results by comparing the test strip to the color chart on the package. An at-home meter is available to test for blood ketones. This is performed in a similar way to a finger-stick glucose test. You prick your finger with a needle and place a small drop of blood onto the testing area.
While individual testing may vary, in general, results for ketone testing are labeled in the following way:. Call your doctor if your ketones are low to moderate, and seek emergency medical attention if your ketone levels are high to very high. Ketones can make your blood acidic. Acidic blood can cause DKA. The most serious effects of DKA include:. Alcoholic ketoacidosis ».
Treating high ketone levels can immediately help you avoid hospitalization for DKA. Work with your doctor to decide what you need to do to help manage moderate ketone levels. Treatments can include:.
One DKA symptom is increased urination, which can result in fluid loss. Rehydrating with IV fluids can help to dilute the extra glucose in your blood. When a person has DKA, their electrolyte levels tend to be low.