Inception who is the old man

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Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Why was Saito old in Limbo? Ask Question. Asked 4 years, 11 months ago. Active 3 months ago. Viewed 19k times.

Improve this question. DForck42 Add a comment. That depends, perhaps, on how you view the very end of the film: At this point, Cobb seems to be finally freed of his regret and of his memory of Mal, and has been reunited with his children. The final shot seems to indicate that he may be still dreaming because his totem keeps spinning. If so, then he has either lost himself in Limbo entirely, or Mal was right all along, and his world was always a dream. Their dream has become their reality.

Who are you to say otherwise? Did Saito and Cobb wake up? Why did Cobb and Mal stay in limbo? Do you wanna be an old man filled with regret waiting to die alone? Was Mal right in Inception? What is the spinning top in Inception? Previous Article What is an assessment verb? Next Article What does the ending of the movie Inception mean? Back To Top. Instead, they drop into Limbo - an unconstructed dream space that only Cobb is familiar with.

In the second dream level, Saito plays a minor role while his first-level self remains in a vehicle. In the third Inception dream level, Saito assists the group but ultimately dies, along with Fischer, who is subsequently sent to Limbo but saved by Cobb and Ariadne. As the team collectively reunites within the first dream level for the "kick" a vehicle dropping into water , Cobb stays in Limbo to find Saito, and discovers that the businessman has been stuck in his "infinite subconscious" for decades upon decades.

Saito's advanced age in Inception is the result of Yusuf's compound. Prior to the hour flight, the chemist explains that the dreamsharers' collective brain functionality will multiply 20 times over. For a dream within a dream, "the effect is compounded. What the team doesn't realize, however, is that Cobb's past experiences in deep dream states, specifically in Limbo, will negatively affect their plan, evidenced by the continued presence of his deceased wife Mal Marion Cotillard , who appears as an angry projection.

When Saito dies in the third level and sinks to Limbo, he's already begun to age in ways that not even Cobb can fully understand.


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