But if you stick with him you can end up with an extremely powerful unit for a good chunk of the game. The best way one could describe him as a unit is this you could put the growth of everyone else on a graph and while for about the first 8 maps on the game he may seem useless.
However if you stick with Donnel towards midgame you got a very powerful unit only rivaled by Second Generation units for the most part. However, one issue to Donnel though his personal caps are lower than most of the cast however by that point game's mostly done with but this is an issue on the harder difficulties.
Ultimately the choice of if Donnel's worth using or not is up to the player if they want to put the effort into making an extremely powerful unit or would rather not deal with a liability that may seem rather weak compared to the Second Generation. Donnel's reclassing options are Mercenary and Fighter , both of which are a step above his Villager days.
It is also worth mentioning that Donnel will be reverted back to E rank in whatever class he reclasses into, forcing you to use Bronze Weapons or expend Arms Scrolls on him to allow him access to stronger weaponry. After grabbing Underdog, it is highly recommended to go straight to Mercenary , since his immediate acquisition of Armsthrift combined with his high Luck makes him extremely good at extending the lifespan of rarer weapons.
The class also balances out Donnel's stats with good speed, skill, and strength and good defense. In addition to the stat compliments, the Mercenary class will offer Donnel the Patience skill, which will increase his Hit and Avoid during the enemy turn. His Hero promotion from this class yields Sol , allowing him to heal himself during battle, and with his fairly high Skill, Sol should activate often.
Hero is Donnel's most well-balanced class in terms of stats, abilities, and weapons and is recommended as his end class. Reclassing into Bow Knight will offer Donnel access to Bowbreaker , a useful skill to complement Counter from the Warrior class, which will not activate against ranged attacks from weapons such as bows.
Fighter boosts Donnel's offensive capabilities as much as possible while slightly dropping his defenses. This class emphasizes axes letting him wield Hand Axes for range until he promotes into either Hero or Warrior. However, over time, these skills may begin to lose relevance as Donnel begins to reclass multiple times, leading to them being swapped for more versatile skills such as Sol.
Warrior adds higher Strength caps, Bows, and Counter to his repertoire, the latter of which is especially useful in conjunction with Sol from the Hero class.
Unfortunately, due to the overlap of Mercenary and Fighter both promoting to Hero, Donnel has access to only three upgraded classes total. This gives him a rather limited, but useful, skill pool. Overall, Donnel has to be reclassed to be a unit worth using, as Villager is useless in the long run. Despite his somewhat shallow range of abilities, Donnel can still be a very capable unit with skill combos like Sol and Counter, with Bowbreaker alleviating the combo's range weakness to an extent and Patience further extending his survival during the enemy turn.
Armsthrift will allow Donnel to wield expensive and forged weaponry for longer periods of time, making him a prime candidate for holding fabled weapons like Helswath. Ultimately, Donnel's biggest strengths lie in his fast growths and Luck stat. His growths and the benefits of Aptitude allow him to cap out faster than nearly all other units, making him a very strong mid- to-lategame unit with some early-game investment and decent training.
Donnel can be a great father due to his unique classing situation. Donnel's Aptitude skill is great to pass down to aid in stat building, though it becomes a useless ability once they are capped.
Underdog is also worth passing down, since children characters are recruited in a lower tier and at a lower level than other units. Both of these skills are especially good to pass down to his daughters since they are unable to become Villagers themselves. If not, Counter works well as another pass down to his daughters. User Info: legendrider. Don't play just to win, play for the fun of it. User Info: Kamiikorosu.
Based on Gregors appearance he's definitely in his 40s Idk why people say 30s for him all the time? Kamiikorosu posted User Info: Kropis Artbook reveals that Emm is 6 years older than Chrom who is 4 years older than Lissa.
Emm is Chrom is pre timeskip Lissa is Cherche is at least 19, likely older. No one except Donnel and Ricken are younger than Lissa European version says Lucina came from more than 15 instead of more than 10 years in the future makes more sense so all children minus maybe Morgan are at least Flavia is old enough to be Chroms mom so she is at least 38 post skip and Basillo is at least that age and Lucina is half his age so Lucina is 18 or User Info: EchoPhoenix.
Laurent's presumably the oldest kid, with Lucina being the next. Morgan's younger than their sibling. Donnel is younger than Lissa, who is one of the youngest characters in the Shepherds.
Cherche may be Laurent is 3 years older than Lucina he arrived 3 years earlier. Nah and Inigo are the same age. Morgan-F's age varies based on who her mother is.
Gregor and Basilio are both old enough to grandfather "half the whelps in this army". Kropis12 posted Ah, cool. Donnel's true power is dormant. At first glance he may look weak, but if you take the time to nurture and train him properly, he can become one of the most powerful characters in your army. You're probably asking yourself, "How can such a weak character such as Donnel be so powerful?
That's pretty badass I guess, but how does this benefit Donnel enough to become the powerful person you say he can become? Here's good example. If you love to max out your character's levels you will be rewarded with Donnel. You could only do this if you get him to level Step 2: Try to get Donnel's exp to a point where he just needs to kill off one person or just hit someone once in order to level up.
Step 3: Once you get to that point where you just need to kill off one more person for a level up let the other characters finish off the battle. You don't want him to level up just yet. Step Once you restart go ahead and load your saved file. It should load straight to the DLC map.
Then repeat steps 7 through 10 until you get the best level up you are satisfied with. If you do it right you'll have all his stats maxed out as whatever class you want him to be. If you go the Mercenary route you could have him as a Demon Fighter. Lastly, try not to be too hasty when it comes to reclassing. It's better if you reclass once they hit their max level. It'll save you money and seals.