How long do fraternities pledge

As such we are a lot more selective of potential pledges from the beginning. Since we are allowed anywhere between according to national policy. But it looks like 5 is really short compared to others on here. Ours is 6 weeks. The shortened pledge program was put into effect nationally about 5 years ago, and it's been interesting to see how different chapters deal with it.

For the most part, the feedback has been mixed. Most feel 6 weeks is not long enough for the girls to really learn everything about and get a good feel for the fraternity. It can be stretched out to 8 weeks, if necessary, but I don't think many chapters take advantage of that.

It might be currently going under fine-tuning process at our Headquarters. We have recruitment right away in the fall. My pledge class was the last one to have the semester-long program. Well, I suspect that many of our organizations have various different reasons for their initiation periods. While I respect the rationale given for the longer Pledge period, I also understand why some are shorter than others.

In some cases the shorter Pledge periods are mandated and enforced by a College or University Board. In the case of my fraternity, the four-week Candidacy period has been in place since we were founded in As we are what some might term a 'non-traditional' fraternity, our Candidacy period is fairly intensive and serves to educate our future brothers quite sufficiently. We are very selective of Candidates in the first place and this serves to 'streamline' the actual Candidacy process once potential members are chosen.

My pledge period was 6 weeks but one of those weeks were spring break so that week even though we had assignments doesn't count. We have decided to that pledge for our next line will be 6 weeks. My brother fraternities line has been going on for I think 7 or 8 weeks now, they saw we got off easy when we were pledged. So our is a minimum of 4 weeks not exceeding 8. I also wanted to say that I don't agree with 3 week pledge periods. Our 6 week program is really intense with activities almost everyday and every weekend.

We are starting in January so that they will cross in February before mid-terms. We did all our selections this semester we didn't pledge anyone due to personal problems within the sorority. I think our next couple of lines will be big. I also wanted to know how many nms do you take in a pledge class, that could really determine how long the process will be?

Our chapter uses the maximum eight weeks simply because its so hard to get everyone together. Since most of our sisters and new members work hours a week it is very difficult to get them together more than once a week.

Plus we're a commuter school so if a sisters has a different schedule than a new member she may never run into her on campus. We need the time to have enough activities to get to know one another!

My chapter currently has a 7 week nm program, but one of those weeks is basically a "Get ready" week after Bid Day, where they have time to scavenge for white dresses and arrange their schedules to have Sunday nights free. Gamma Phi Beta as an international organization is transitioning to a new program, called the Complete Sister Program, which has 8, 10, and week lengths. I think my chapter is planning on using the 8-week one because otherwise we'd be waiting a semester to initiate.

My chapter's pledge period is generally 6 weeks but last semester for special circumstances it was stretched to 8 weeks. Bid Day is in early Sept. So our NM period is anywhere from weeks. Theta's is weeks. On my campus, we always did the 6 week option - two times a semester at my campus.

Ours, nationally, must be a minimum of 4 weeks but a maximum of Honestly, there is so much material to learn for the national membership exam that I believe most chapters take the full 10 weeks. Go Sammy:D ;. Our pledge period is eight weeks from the time the bid is accepted and then you get initiated immediately after submiting your materials to IHQ and that is at the conclusion of eight weeks which is plenty.

Most members unfortunately don't know as much as the people that are being initiated sometimes so why make them wait beyond eight weeks. Go Sammy House!!!!!!!!! It's a full semester and then you are initiated early the next semester when grades come out assuming you made grades. Bibu added that, ideally, he would like the deadline for initiation to be later. Sign up for our newsletter Get our newsletter, Dear Penn , delivered to your inbox every weekday morning. Pena, who is also the InterFraternity Council president, said the IFC does not monitor each fraternity's initiation process.

All eight sororities initiated their new members last weekend. Dear Penn Stay plugged into Penn with this daily newsletter rounding up all of the top headlines from top headlines from the DP, 34th Street, and Under the Button.

Sign up ». The Toast 34th Street Magazine's "Toast" to dear old Penn is a Sunday morning newsletter with the latest on Penn's campus culture and arts scene. Penn, Unbuttoned "Penn, Unbuttoned" is Penn's only intentionally satirical newsletter, giving you your weekly dose of comedy from Under the Button. The Weekly Roundup The week's top stories from the DP and beyond, meticulously curated for parents and alumni, and delivered into your inbox every Sunday morning.

The Weekly Roundup Subscribe to get the week's top stories from The DP and beyond, meticulously curated for parents and alumni, delivered directly to your inbox. Alcohol and illegal drugs are a common hazard for Greek organizations. The vast majority of hazing-related deaths have resulted from forced binge drinking. But the risks of excessive alcohol consumption are not limited to new members, nor do they stop once pledging is over. Fraternities and sororities are social organizations and all social circles have cultures and sub-cultures.

Far too often, Greek life harbors a culture of alcohol and drug abuse. This culture of abuse makes it easy for young, inexperienced drinkers to get into trouble in the name of acceptance. In some cases, recreational drinking habits in college can become real alcohol problems in adulthood. Fraternities and sororities with cultures of excessive drinking may risk opening this doorway. According to Fraternity Advisor , they were all members of Greek organizations during college.

Fraternity and sorority membership helps young men and women cultivate leadership skills, gain a sense of social identity, and learn to play well with others.

Even the brightest year-olds arrive on campus with much to learn. Joining a fraternity or sorority can help. Participation in the traditions, collaborative activities, and organizational structure of your Greek organization can create valuable opportunities to contribute, coordinate and lead, which are all valuable skills for eventual participation in the workforce.

Fraternities and sororities not only offer the context to develop these skills but, just as importantly, can often verify your claim to those skills as you work toward future internships and job opportunities. Indeed, employers like seeing documented leadership experience. Greek life can provide that. You should expect to have exactly no free time during the pledging process. Nearly all hours outside of class are spent in meetings, completing tasks, or simply being present in the chapter house.

In fact, for this reason, some schools even have restrictions around rushing during your first semester as a freshman. Still, many students choose to rush during their freshman year. You need excellent time management skills to balance this initiation process with the experience of adjusting to a new academic setting.

And that time commitment does not end once pledging is over. Members are required to attend meetings throughout the year.

In fact, some organizations impose fines on members who miss meetings. Additionally, there are conventions, parties and service dates at which attendance is expected regardless of what else a student may have to do. Being Greek can add the equivalent of an extra class or two to your schedule, depending on how demanding your chapter is.

When it comes down to it, this is one of the strongest arguments in favor of joining a fraternity or sorority. If you join the right house, the opportunities for fun are nearly infinite.


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