He becomes disoriented when multiple women are around, something Palpatine used to his advantage in The Boss Battle. Joke Battles Wikia Explore. Wank and Downplay Memetic Ocean. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? This leads to a major conflict that might have been more dynamic had it followed a similar trajectory as Zack Snyder's first DCEU film as opposed to his second.
After the destruction Kal-El caused in Man of Steel and manipulations from Lex Luthor , the Dark Knight sees Superman as the ultimate threat to humanity, leading to a major brawl where Batman nearly kills Superman using deadly kryptonite.
The only thing that stops him from doing so is seeing Clark's true humanity and his desire to save his mother from Luthor. This creates a shift within Batman where he then turns to join Superman as they work together to fight Luthor's Doomsday.
Likewise, Marvel's Eternals sees Ikaris refusing to ignore the directive of the Prime Celestial Arishem that will result in the end of the world due to the Emergence.
Despite the majority of the Eternals wishing to save humanity and prevent the event, they end up being opposed and are forced to fight Ikaris. However, once Ikaris gets his moment to kill Sersi the last hope to stop the Emergence and the Eternal who loves humanity the most he can't bring himself to kill her.
Because of his love for her, Ikaris ends up refusing to kill her in the final hour, with his power being channeled along with the other Eternals as they form a Uni-Mind to end the Emergence. While the resolution of Eternals isn't necessarily bad, a more dynamic ending might have been Eternals following Man of Steel's ending instead. At the end of Man of Steel , Superman has been fighting to stop General Zod and his attempts to terraform Earth into a New Krypton which would kill humanity. Angered that Kal-El has chosen mankind over his own fellow Kryptonians, Zod tries to kill a family with his heat vision while Superman has him in a headlock.
Superman: Yeah, we know. Batman: It's been hilarious. Iron Man: You mean to tell me you've never revealed your secret identity before? Batman: Uh, no. Superman: Ha! Try every girl you've ever dated! Batman: What? Let me tell you my big secret! Mind Eraser. Superman: So, we're just going to pretend like those guys never happened?
Batman: Yep. Bruce: You need to get everyone out of the building, NOW! Chechen: That wasn't a magic trick! I saw the pencil just went up into his eye, this is lame Luke: Aww. But I wanted us to sneak in one at a time and make the plan stupid elaborate. Darth Vader: Ooohhh, we are gunna get sooo much crap for that.
Tech: Hey, you guys ever think we should use all this money and technology to actually solve the world's problems? End world hunger? Save the rainforest?
No, just me? We'd rather kids fight to the death. Just thought I'd ask. If I could save time in the bottles of time then I could save all of the time. Guard: I used to be like [the Dragonborn]. Superman: You keep dying and bringing people back to life, nobody will accept it if one of you actually gets killed someday.
Captain America: [laughs] None of us are gonna die! That's silly talk. Batman: Okay, well we'll see. Frodo: Can you imagine what it would've been like if we had walked the entire way? Tropes F to J. Failure Is the Only Option : Discussed in "Slender Games" Faux Affably Evil : Ultron shows up at the Villain pub, to brag with the other villains about the way he messed with the Avengers and built his Floating Continent to destroy all life on Earth while they made pointless searches.
When Voldemort asks when the continent is going to fall down and kill everyone, Ultron answers, "Oh, some time about now. Finish Him! First Guy Wins : Katniss backs out of killing herself with Peeta to confess that she actually prefers "hottie" Gale. Fix Fic : Whenever a movie ends with a Bittersweet or Downer Ending , expect the alternate endings to make things happier. For Want of a Nail : Somehow Doc dropping vague hints to Marty and Jennifer about society in caused it to completely change.
Framing Device : Infinity War created a context that they don't usually bother with, where Dr. Strange hopscotches through the future and comes up with In the Captain America: The Winter Soldier video, a potted Groot can be seen passing by the window of the cafe for a couple seconds, presumably being carried by Rocket. Fridge Logic : invoked They often show more common sense or realistic ways for the movies to have ended invoking this trope.
Often filling logic gaps and things that could confuse the viewers. Professor X : Oh no, we will ride this merry-go-round to our graves!
Magneto : Just before that, we'll time-travel and start it all over again! Professor X and Magneto laugh merrily together. Batman: Stop talking! It's my turn now. Superman: Well it's about ti— wait, is that your new stage voice?
Batman: Yeah. Superman: Well, what are you doing, gargling marbles? I can barely understand you. Tony Stark: You know what bugs me? Tony Stark: How you got back to Gotham City after climbing out of that prison on the other side of the planet. Why don't you explain that?
Batman: Why do so many people have a problem with this? I said, it's because I'm Batma— Superman: Can we get back to the story, please?
Stormtrooper: [crying] Why are we so bad at shooting things? Selfridge: I say we nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure Tropes K to O. He manages to escape from imprisonment only to spend his time ruminating and sulking about his failure in the Villains Pub. When he asks if he can come in the Cafe, they point out he could have at any time, it's a public place.
Spider-Man: I've been hanging around out here for two years! Superman: Yeah we know! Batman: It's been hilarious! Kirk: Computer, I want you to shut down all the lens flare generators. Spock: Fascinating, I was unaware that we had that. Kirk: It's nice, right? I mean, who designs a starship where lights shine right in your eye from virtually every angle! Superman : You had your back broken , your heart broken , your bank account broken , you even got stabbed , dude!
Batman : Yep. Beat Superman : How are you still breathing right now? Batman : Yes, you did. Jack : We are on the tail of a sinking ship! Tropes P to T. Phrase Catcher : Chell becomes this when everyone else in the video tells her, " You are a horrible person! Has anyone ever told you that?!