Step 3: Toggle the switch next to Recommended videos. While you're here, check the rest of the notification settings. Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic.
We delete comments that violate our policy , which we encourage you to read. Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion. Stop getting video recommendations from YouTube for Android There's a new notification setting in the YouTube for Android app that lets you toggle whether the app recommends videos based on your viewing history. The program assigns each video a score according to various performance analytics information and ranks them afterward.
Instead, its purpose is to match you with videos you wish to watch so that you spend more time on YouTube. While watching YouTube videos is a great source of both fun and educational content, the recommendations can sometimes get out of control and clutter your homepage with irrelevant videos.
With just a few clicks or taps, you can get rid of unwanted videos and improve the overall content of your YouTube profile. Have you managed to get rid of irrelevant videos from your YouTube from the homepage? What method did you use? Tell us in the comments section below. By clearing the data cached and associated to your YouTube account, you will make it impossible for YouTube to recommend new videos for your feed, as there will be nothing on which to base a recommendation.
Pause your watch and search history to keep your account from accumulating data to make more suggestions. There should be four options: clear watch history, clear search history, pause watch history, and pause search history. Clear and pause each of these to put a stop to recommendations in your feed. Method 2. Open the YouTube app on your Android.
If you don't have the app, use your browser to access the YouTube homepage. Be sure you have logged in so that the changes you make are applied to your account.
Both the app or browser, so long as you are logged in to your account, will work for making these changes. Flag each unwanted video as "Not interested. You should find three vertical dots to right of each video.
These represent the options available for each recommended video. The topmost option after you tap the three dots should read, "Not Interested.
Continue to scroll and remove unwanted videos. You can only flag your unwanted videos one at a time, so you will need to tap the three dots and select "Not Interested" for each video you want removed.
Curate your recommended videos regularly. For as long as your YouTube account has data off which to make recommendations, YouTube will continue to recommend videos that you may not want in your feed. Regularly removing unwanted videos will keep your feed cleaner and your content focused on the videos you want. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. You may have to refresh your feed before the server recognizes your changes apply them to your account.
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