Using numbers makes the survey quick and easy to complete, and provides an easy way to make comparisons and identify trends, like if the lowest level of satisfaction occurs among a particular type of user. Through qualitative methods like this, user satisfaction can be used as a measure of effectiveness. Comparison with other systems In the survey, you could also ask the user to make a comparison with any other similar systems they have used.
It may be possible to also include an open-ended question in order to get their opinion on this system compared to an older or previous version. This can then be used to measure and improve effectiveness of the HCI. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism report. Accessed November 14, Tectonic hazards in the Philippines and how earthquakes can be measured.
In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Home Science Computer Science. The time out is a reaction from the user that was too slow and this could create effectiveness.
The time that takes the user to realize the results showed by interface could be also used to measure speed, which turn the effectiveness. The example is that the running cost of interface that have data like image, video etc. Other cost of running could be towards additional staffing cost to be use interface. The effectiveness of HCI can be measured by compare the interface and the original user needs.
If the interface meets the user requests, original design and brief. To do this you can be asking questions like: how many structures are fully included?
How many are included? How many are not included? How it meets the needs of the client and user? Recommending training that might be taken by the users. This system need to be simple and easy to use. These information need to be limited. There are number of ways the measure effectiveness of HCI such testing such as speed of interaction, number of errors from actions, ease of understanding by the user. You can also measure how long it takes user to perform a specific task speed.
This can be done by getting few tester more tester is better to test your system and get their feedback on the system. You can time how long it takes a tester to do a particular task and work out the mean of the total time of the people who tested the system and compare the result with the other system. In order to test the system and get personal feedback on the system you have created tests that should be planned carefully. Whilst doing the test, you should time how long it would take for the user to perform and complete a particular task.
Once looking at the result, you should find out ways to speed up the process- such as having less keys or making the writing and buttons larger and so on. Also there should be different design for different people for instance different design for the people with disabilities.
The design should have certain features that support people with disabilities like for example people with colour blindness effect. The KLM model or the keystroke level model, which was developed by David Kerias who designed an step guide for organizations to see how long it takes to complete simple data input tasks using a computer and a mouse. It has proven to be the best effective way to test the ability of inputting information using a computer and a mouse.
This is a great method to follow when creating an HCI. Get Access. Good Essays. Regression Testing In Software Testing. Read More. The Principles of GUI. Powerful Essays. Satisfactory Essays. Psychological Assessment Essay Words 2 Pages. Psychological Assessment Essay. Computer Aided Learning: The way of the Future? Better Essays. Assistive Technology for Computing. Comprehension Elearning And E-Learning.